In a video received from verified citizen reporter Gauri Sarin, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar advocated avoiding bursting a lot of crackers this Diwali.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Spiritual leader, shared his message advocating an eco friendly Diwali celebration supporting the ‘My Right to Breathe’ campaign. My Right to Breathe is a group of concerned citizens working towards clean air In Delhi.
His message that he shared with his followers-
• There shall be the light of equality and love in the society.
• We used to burn crackers so as to let out all our negativity. Do not overdo bursting firecrackers.
• Light diyas. Avoid excess of sweets and keep a check on your health.
• Our works and actions must be convincing and generous.
• Stay active towards the environment, and health.
This is what Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shared with his followers.
The campaign is not merely to upload and share videos but to actively participate and motivate others to join the movement to for clean air in Delhi
Stay tuned to Jan Ki Baat for more.

– Jan Ki Baat