One year after shameful dalit flogging case in Una, the atmosphere is quite normal. Any big change is unlikely to happen. BJP has bright prospects in Una.
स्थान – ऊना विधानसभा, जिला गिर-सोमनाथ (गुजरात)
रिपोर्टर जय जी के साथ हमारे अन्य रिपोर्टर शादाब खान की खास रिपोर्ट
दिनांक – 25-11-2017
विधानसभा चुनाव दिनांक – 09-12-2017
फेज – 1
वर्तमान विधायक (2012-) – पूंजाभाई वंश (कांग्रेस)
प्रत्याशी – पूंजाभाई वंश (कांग्रेस) & हरिभाई बोघाभाई सोलंकी (BJP)
कुल वोटर संख्या – 217928
‘Jan Ki Baat’ was recently in Una to know the issues of people. Una, which is 15 km far from Diu came into limelight last year when Dalit men were assaulted by Gau rakshaks, and which resulted into statewide protests in the following months. Reporter Jay Ji and Shadab khan spoke directly to the Una people and tried to find out the impact of dalit flogging case on the upcoming Gujarat Assembly Elections. We were surprised when most of them denied the probable impact of dalit assault case on the elections and most them were found to be supporting BJP. Una will vote on December 9 and Una dalit ire may not be able to harm BJP in polls.

Almost one year ago some dalit flogged by cow vigilantes and it hit every headlines of every newspaper, every channel and also on social media. Media hype had forced the people to reflect on dalit’s conditions in Gujarat. Later on, a movement led by young leader Jignesh Mevani was started in support of the rights of Dalits. After one year team Jan Ki Baat had reached Una and talked to the local public. We also had a talk with street vendors, traders, booksellers, villagers and youths as well.

“Dalit assault case is not any political issue now and it will have no impact on the upcoming elections” a shopkeeper said. “BJP will win all the four seats in Gir-Somnath District” an excited youth said. Una is one of the four seats of district Gir Somnath. “It was only media driven and was never any political issue,” a trader said on Dalit assault case. We talked to almost 100 people on Una case and only 10 percent admitted that it will have an impact on the Gujarat Assembly Elections.

We moved further into the market are and tried to know their reactions on GST and demonetization. Traders and small businessmen told us about their views. Some of them totally neglected GST & Demonetization’s ‘adverse effect’ on the market. While some of them accepted a negative effect on the market; however most of them told us that it was a good move. They were satisfied with BJP and looked in the mood to vote for BJP once again.

Punjabhai Vansh, the sitting MLA of Una has a good impact on local public. They were happy with his work and may elect him again. We spoke to people on some fundamental issues like education, health and employment. We got mixed views on it. People’s had some problems with healthcare facilities. They have to migrate to some other places for treatment. Education facilities also are not sufficient.

Despite some fundamental problems Una people are quite satisfied with their MLA and BJP. Una Dalit assault case will not be any hurdle for BJP and Congress will face some big difficulties in the ground battle against BJP. Dalit from interior villages may support Congress but it will not be enough to beat BJP in the Gujarat Assembly Elections 2017.
Story by: Shadab khan & Sparsh Upadhyay